


"Spy Story"

A storyboard for a spy story about a women investigating a suspicious establishment. "Every afternoon at precisely four o’clock p.m. a woman sits in the back corner of a café, sipping a skim mocha latte. The woman is a secret agent, sent to spy on the establishment across the street."

Act 1 - Inside Cafe, with Establishment in Background
Agent 04 is sent to spy on some suspicious activities that are going on in some establishment. Luckily, there’s a cafe across the establishment, so she figures it would be a good spot to get a better view of the location. She sets her binocular on the table. Figuring she would be there for a while, she decides to order a skim mocha latte. After some time, she spots some individual entering the establishment across the street. She gets ready to leave.

Act 2 - Inside Establishment
Agent 04 arrives inside the strange establishment and realize it’s a bar. She spots two people; a customer and a worker. She thought if they could be related to the suspicious activities that’s going on.

Act 3 - Inside Establishment
She hears the conversation the duo is having. What seems almost forever, the partners are leaving to a back door of the place. As Agent 04 is leaving, she makes a call to her team and informs them about the plan the two people were talking about.

Act 4 - Outside of Establishment, in an Alleyway
The suspicious partners head to the alley way. They spend some time there, until police arrive in the scene and surrounds front of the partners, with their guns out. The partners surrender and are arrested. The case is now close.